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Yoga • Meditation • Reiki • Thai Bodywork
Westport, Connecticut, USA

Private/Semi-Private • Group • Family • Special Occasions • Charitable Events

RYT 200 • Reiki Level II Attunement • Thai Bodywork training with Shai Plonsky and Wat Po Thai Massage School in Bangkok, Thailand • MS Social Service/Gerontology • BS Speech/Theatre

I believe Yoga is the practice of living a loving, healthy, balanced, joyful life. That's at the heart of my Teaching and sharing.

When Vipassana meditation, Yoga and energy work came into my life, it began a continuing transformation of my heart, mind and health for which I am forever grateful. This gratefulness made me want to share what I continue to learn: as a Teacher and as a fellow traveler on life's adventure trails.

There are many many Yoga styles, tempos and philosophies! And every teacher brings their distinct "being" to their teaching. So there are most assuredly approaches to Yoga and Teachers that will "speak" to you and enable you to enjoy and benefit from the practice.

Let's talk.


All eight limbs aglow - Yoga is the dance of Life: Learning to live Joy