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My Spiritual Journey and All that Jazz

Karma Kabaret
Karma Kabaret Zavidow

Created and Performed by M Zavidow
Chris Coogan at the Piano, John Mobilio on Bass

Karma Kabaret is an entertainment written with the intention of putting goodness into the world: by making people laugh — a lot — and think a lot and discover a lot and feel a lot and laugh — a lot!

The vehicle for this is a musical parody romp through the ins, outs, downs and ups of my “spiritual journey” — which I define right at the start as: “my ongoing adventure to understand what it means to be alive: in this body, in this lifetime, on this planet, in this Universe, in this Creation of Everything:”

Karma Kabaret is ideal as an fundraising entertainment for organizations putting goodness into this world — because we’re coming from the same place of heart.

My big wish for Karma Kabaret is that something I say or sing rings a little bell inside those in the audience … Maybe one thing can help them on their life journey however they define it for themselves.

As you’ll see from the audience reactions, they love it. It moves them. It makes them think. It makes them laugh. The tunes are familiar, the subjects run the gamut from Yoga to quantum physics to ETs to Buddhist philosophy to the power of the conscious mind to the trials of Veganism!

And the style? Well, it’s kind of like Robin Williams meets Streisand meets TED Talks meets Einstein meets Buddha meets Broadway meets Zavidow!

Karma Kabaret is the creative celebration of a life of exploring through 39+ years as a corporate communicator, stage and cabaret performer, songwriter, recording artist, social worker, stand-up experimenter, Yoga Teacher, traveler and curious person trying to figure out this life! A drop of goodness into the Great Bucket of Life!

Get ready to laugh, smile, think, wonder, feel and just plain enjoy!


Marilyn Zavidow
Email: mz@zavidowcreative.com
Phone: 203 858 3187
Web: www.zavidowcreative.com

"One cannot help but be in awe when one contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day.” — Albert Einstein


Marilyn Zavidow
Email: mz@zavidowcreative.com
Phone: 203 858 3187
Web: www.zavidowcreative.com

Karma Kabaret Zavidow

"Where Broadway Meets Namaste"

Ideal as a feature for fundraising events and for pure enjoyment, Zavidow's Karma Kabaret is customizable to cause, venue and timeslot, scaling from a cappella intimate to big sound.

The Audience Experience

"An incredible journey of the spirit, performed to the music you love with a new age twist that will keep you laughing all night! " - Andrew C.
"Karma Kabaret spoke to my soul, my life and my own spiritual journey … it was thought-provoking, it was funny … it touched my heart. " - Barbara B.
"FANTABULOUS! I was blown away! Heart opening! Mind expanding! Joy! Sorrow! Light and Love! All in one beautiful, bountiful, bodacious package! " - Greg B.
"Karma Kabaret is an awe-inspiring, profoundly thought-provoking, heartfelt and hilarious production. Zavidow’s spectacular performance delighted all of our senses. She is dazzling, delightful, vulnerable and funny! The best one-woman show I’ve ever seen." - Carolyn F.
"Zavidow’s performance was authentic, intelligent, insightful, poignant, witty and fun. She gave deeply of herself, sharing her doubts, struggles and vulnerabilities in a way that I was drawn in and moved and as a consequence felt myself relating my own experience to hers. A tour de force!" - Alex D.
"So much more than a one-woman cabaret show — beyond her immense musical talent — her themes and words were so insightful and thought-provoking for all of us with the good-fortune to be in the audience. It was a beautiful memoir of her life journey, both the ups and the downs, that allow all of us to reflect on our own lives with humor and understanding. And we just had so much fun!" - Kristin A.
"Zavidow took me on a soul-searching journey that is both personal and illuminating … a journey of life’s discoveries! At all times I remained engaged as I found many things that I could relate to — astronomy, physics, quantum mechanics, ancient civilizations, philosophy, and many more." - Makoto S.
"I was instantly engaged — the content and delivery were beyond description — and I’ve been to many Broadway shows. This performance far surpasses anything I’ve seen on stage." - Barbara G.
"Throughout the performance, I experienced joy, sadness, and wisdom — all interwoven with this delightful mix of self-deprecation, wit, and humor. I remembered, I learned, I was challenged and inspired at the same moments." - Jerry K.
"Yay Yay Yay Karma Kabaret!   A beautiful show that will lift your heart and put a smile on your face!" - Fio C.
"The performance was well-orchestrated, very creative and authentic! It encouraged us in the audience to laugh heartily and also think outside of our comfort zones! Brava!" - Jo Ann C.
"It was aspirational, inspirational and fun!" - Stephen P.
"Karma Kabaret was fun, light-hearted and thought-provoking….and caused an absolute run on Ashwaganda. None to be found in Fairfield county since the show!" - Martha C.
"Karma Kabaret was fantastic. I laughed the entire evening. Her creative talents are at the top of the charts. An unbelievable evening!" - Mark S.
"Marilyn's Karma Kabaret performance was incredibly moving. It was an evening of laughter, reflection and movement. Her performance was inspiring and energizing which touched the audience on many levels. An upbeat magical night!" - Claire Z
"Displaying a youthful energy, MZ takes us along on her spiritual journey; we laugh all the way at her clever take on popular Bway melodies, her struggles to master elusive eastern practices, and the teachers and others who have illuminated her path. Her humor, however, skillfully delivers a clear message: kindness, acceptance, connection and joy are all." - Dana K.
"A creative intertwining of yogic wisdom and humor with insightful reflection. It reminded me of the complicated and also joyful dialogues we engage in with ourselves as we traverse our own individual spiritual journeys. Brava!"- Julia B.
"I loved how she intertwined the spiritual, musical and comical elements together. Brilliant. The show is inspiring and courageous!" -Gail B.
"Her performance was INCREDIBLE. All I can say is WOW." - Jeffrey E.
"Thank you so much for sharing your inspiring gifts tonight the range of which only an extraterrestrial could impart! We were all whooshed up and will remain grateful for your vivid talent, courage, stamina, humor and love. Please put the show on the wheel of rebirth so others can share in the fun." - Roger V.